Alert - Nibiru is coming

Il Pensiero di Angeli in Astronave

Angeli in Astronave è distaccato da tutti coloro che professano amore…e in realtà guadagnano con la sapienza che non gli appartiene… ribadisco …nomi altisonanti … artefatti di strani effetti speciali …visivi o non… strumentalizzare… gruppi di appartenenza…donazioni … plagio… bugie da effetto… mancanza di umiltà… falsi nel pubblico…violenti nelle mura domestiche… guru e maestri …diffidate da ogni cosa artefatta… l’Amore unisce in semplicità…non ha bisogno di una carta scritta…la Verità non si vende ne si compra…fatene tesoro… Dolbyjack!

"Con riferimento al Decreto legislativo 9 aprile 2003, n.70 che si occupa di Attuazione della direttiva 2000/31/CE. Facendo anche riferimento al libro verde sulla tutela dei minori e della dignità umana nei servizi audiovisivi e di informazione COM (96) 483, il presente sito web: (Angeli in Astronave) è fruibile a soli Maggiorenni e pertanto proibito a tutti coloro che siano sofferenti psichici o vulnerabili ad informazioni di questo tipo e quindi influenzabili dal punto di vista psicologico.”

Buona Navigazione Cari Angeli, Namasté..

Video Discosure-Nibiru e Mauro Biglino


La dottrina e pratica più blasfema della Chiesa Cattolica è quella della transustanziazione e del sacrificio della messa. La transustanziazione (fatta dogma dal concilio Lateranense IV nel 1215, elaborata in seguito da Tommaso d'Aquino e sancita definitivamente dal Concilio di Trento) insegna che: il pane e il vino, al momento della consacrazione vengono dal sacerdote cambiati nel corpo e nel sangue di Gesù Cristo (ogni giorno quindi vengono all'esistenza migliaia e migliaia di nuovi Gesù). La Scrittura insegna che nella cena c'è solo la presenza spirituale di Gesù (Luca 22:19-20; Giovanni 6:63; 1 Corinzi 11:26). Inoltre, nell'adorazione dell'ostia, la Chiesa di Roma adora un dio fatto dalle mani di uomini. Questo è il colmo dell'idolatria, ed è completamente contrario allo spirito del Vangelo che richiede di adorare Dio in spirito e verità (Giovanni 4:23-24). Carlo Fumagalli ex prete ed antropologo

Rasoio di Ockam suggerisce che: "tra varie spiegazioni possibili di una data osservazione, quella più semplice ha maggiori possibilità di essere vera".


"Nessuna causa è persa finché ci sarà un solo folle a combattere per essa". - ANONYMOUS MESSAGE TO NASA ABOUT ETS Agenzia spaziale più importante del mondo, ti abbiamo osservato e ascoltato per molto tempo, siamo contrariati dalle tue costanti smentite e insabbiamenti, sappiamo tutti i tuoi piccoli e sporchi segreti e i trucchetti che usi. Sappiamo come hai falsato tutte le immagini della superfce dei pianeti e dei satelliti che li circondano, sappiamo come hai falsato e nascosto la verità al mondo. Ora abbiamo abbastanza filmati immagini e informazioni che tu non hai. Saremo capaci di mostrare la verità e lo faremo presto, pensi che stiamo bleffando? allora ascolta, la complessità della loro abilità è incomprensibile[...]l'ormeggio dei loro veicoli sembra molto NASA(non diciamo di più) è per i tuoi trucchi?Sappiamo anche come hai rilasciato strani fotogrammi che mostrano dischi che visitano e poi lasciano la terra e hai consigliato agli astronauti di menzionare volta per volta gli ufo, questo è per far credere che sai molto poco di quello che stà accadendo (mentre altri pensano di aver trovato la verità) ma in realtà la verità è così incomprensibilmente vasta e così semplice che sfugge anche ai migliori dispositivi e menti. Ora, sai che facciamo sul serio. Ora ci rivolgiamo a tutti i cittadini del mondo, le entità extradimensionali non sono malvagie come vogliono farvi credere, al contrario, hanno creato il nostro universo quindi sono presenti da prima di noi, non c'è nienti di cui temere, questo è l'inizio della rivoluzione spirituale ed evoluzione della specie umana Traduzione per Angeli in Astronave Raffaele V.

domenica 15 maggio 2011

‘Alien Attack’ Leaves 500 Dead In Texas As UFO ‘Fleet” Nears Earth

May 14, 2011

‘Alien Attack’ Leaves 500 Dead In Texas As UFO ‘Fleet” Nears Earth

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking report prepared by the Federal Space Agency (FKA/RKA) for Prime Minister Putin states that one of the United States most important space facilities, located in Fort Worth, Texas, was attacked this past week by ‘alien forces’ intent on destroying “Vimāna” technology transported their after its discovery by US Troops in Afghanistan, and as we had previously reported on in our December 21, 2010 report “World Leaders Flock To Afghanistan After Mysterious ‘Time Well’ Discovered”.

According to this report, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Aviation Systems Division, located on a remote section of the giant Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and responsible for engineering the software needed to control the airspace over North America, suffered a nearly half-hour long “sustained” attack resulting in the deaths of over 500 US Military and space contractors working on“Vimāna” technology.

Most incredible to note about this ‘alien attack’ upon the US was its being videotaped [video top left, linkedhere too (longer version)], but quickly explained away by America’s propaganda media as being nothing more than ‘transformer explosions’ caused by lightning, even though no such thing appears in the video and no explosive sounds can be heard at all.

Important to note about “Vimāna” technology is that this mysterious aircraft is the long-known mythological flying machine described in the ancient Sanskrit epics that existed prior to the last overturning of our Earth and were purported to have weapons eerily similar to today’s atomic bombs.

The reason for the Americans transporting the captured “Vimāna” technology to their NASA facility in Fort Worth, this report continues, was to attempt its use in one of the United States most secret flying machines described as “The Black Triangle” said to have been “reverse-engineered” from alien technology and stationed there since the late 1980’s.

Interesting to note is that one of these American “Black Triangle” UFO’s can, also, be seen on videotape [2ndvideo left, bottom photo, video link here too] after this past August (2010) when a game camera set up by Lisa Brock-Piekarski near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport captured it hovering in the night sky for over two hours.

By all accounts coming from the United States, and as we had previously reported on in our April 24threport “US Warns Russia: “Aliens On Their Way, Will Be Here In 2012”, though the Americans know the dangers of what they are dealing with they still seem determined to ally themselves with a ‘faction” of these alien “gods” many in Russia believe will endanger all human life on this planet.

In our May 10th report “Rip In ‘Space-Time Vortex’ Over Russian City Shocks Scientists” we further noted that the Motherland is not immune to these types of ‘alien attacks’ either, and which by all accounts are believed will get worse as a new NASA video [3rd video left, linked here too] appears to show that the massive UFO ‘armada’ headed towards Earth behind the mysterious Comet Elenin is much larger than originally thought.

To the American people being told (or for that fact any Westerner) about the true and grim situation relating to these returning ancient “gods” there appears to be little likelihood.

But as the Sorcha Faal noted many years ago in her seminal work “Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors”, when the noted French seer Nostradamus wrote in Quatrain 6: 21 the words: “When those of the arctic pole are united together, Great terror and fear in the East: Newly elected, the great trembling supported, Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.”, the next “overturning” of our world would be close at hand.

And with this past weeks signing of a new Arctic Agreement between Russia, the US and other Arctic nations this ‘future time’ warned about by Nostradamus might be closer than anyone can believe, especially when viewed in the light of new WikiLeaks cables showing the fears that an Arctic resources rivalry could very well lead to military conflict between NATO and Russia.

Though the information contained in this report will, and as always, be discounted by those in the West, especially the Americans, the same cannot be said of those knowing the truth of these things in the Motherland, who having access to many of the same secret and top-secret reports we do are now reported to be building massive underground bunkers to protect themselves from what is to come, and as we can read, in part, as reported by the Bloomberg News Service in their article “Rich Russians Buy Bunkers on Apocalypse Angst”:

“Terrorism can be good for bunker builders. An apocalypse can be even better for business. Danila Andreyev started building “panic rooms” three years ago, when fears of terrorist attacks and commercial disputes turning violent created demand in Russia. Now he’s selling “survival bunkers” for as much as $400,000 each to capitalize on angst over theories the world will end next year.

“I myself am not a believer in doomsday scenarios,” Andreyev, 31, whose Spetsgeoproekt company is completing 15 bunkers at hidden locations across Russia, said at his office in central Moscow. “But when you start hearing clients talking about the end of the world, it gets you thinking.”

Thinking, however, appears to be lacking among the once proud American people who once lived by the motto, “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”,but whose new credo seems to be “Who cares?”

© May 14, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

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